All / New Smooth/Standard-B All ARCHIVE-D New Smooth/Standard-B ARCHIVE-C SALE 2 ARCHIVE-B SALE ARCHIVE-A New Rhythm/Latin-A New Smooth/Standard-A Resale Smooth/Standard- B Resale Smooth/Standard-A Hot Magenta and Red Starburst Smooth $7,295.00 Purchase Viola over Nude Standard $8,695.00 Purchase Black Rainbow Sequin Smooth $7,695.00 Purchase Peacock Standard with Ruching $8,695.00 Purchase Turquoise and Sage Print Smooth $7,195.00 Purchase White and Gold Smooth $7,895.00 Purchase Black and AB Collared Smooth $7,795.00 Purchase Dark Red US Floral Print Smooth $6,995.00 Purchase Nude Smooth with AB Stones $7,795.00 Purchase Metallic Teal with 3D Detail Standard $8,795.00 Purchase Red and Yellow Standard with Boa Georgette Floats $8,995.00 Purchase Wine and Teal Smooth $7,795.00 Purchase Sassy Yellow Standard with Bell Sleeve Feather Floats $8,895.00 Purchase Black Draped Smooth $7,895.00 Purchase Navy Standard with Pearls $8,695.00 Purchase Blue "Spiderweb" Smooth $7,895.00 Purchase