All / Resale Latin/Rhythm All SALE ARCHIVE-A ARCHIVE-B ARCHIVE-C ARCHIVE-D ARCHIVE-E New Latin/Rhythm Resale Latin/Rhythm Resale Standard/Smooth Aqua Fringe Latin with Draping and Gold Halter $3,000.00 Purchase Red Jordy Rhythm with Beaded Fringe $4,500.00 Purchase White with Hematite Spider Web Jordy Latin $1,800.00 Purchase Aqua Fishnet Jordy Latin $2,800.00 Purchase Blue Jordy Latin with Velvet and Green Accents $2,600.00 Purchase Blue Rhythm with Flounce and Beaded Fringe $3,600.00 Purchase Nude Latin with Nude Fringe $4,200.00 Purchase Navy Velvet Rhythm with AB Fringe $3,500.00 Purchase